The end of the trimester rolls around and unfortunately, exams do as well. Exams for our core classes are really what kill us. The administrators tell us to eat a healthy breakfast and get enough sleep, but we can’t when we stay up until midnight studying. Retaining the information becomes difficult and takes a lot longer when you’re that tired.
I don’t think we should have huge exams. We should have exams quarterly, so they can be smaller and reduce the amount of stress for teenagers. The curriculum would then take longer to get through though, but we would have an opportunity to take more classes. Most teenagers don’t eat much during exam time because we truthfully don’t have time. When we do get to eat, it usually is something ridiculously unhealthy and either fast food or something premade from the local store.
Some of us have a job to go to after school, so we either take off work to study, or go to work and not have time for studying. Reviews can be some of the most demanding things. We are trying to get extra credit and do as good as we can, but it’s hard to study and work on the review. When I do a review, I don’t retain the information because I’m so tired and doing too many things at once. During exam week, or even the week before, there is too much information that were trying to retain, but can’t retain it all. It’s hard to focus time just on school.
As teenagers, we all need to have fun and enjoy high school. We go through stressful times, which is understandable and fair. At some point we all have to be stressed in some way, shape, or form. All said and done its difficult, but it’s worth it. Going to college should be most teenagers’ dreams, but it isn’t always for everyone. One person may be good at one thing, but not others. School may come easy to you, or it may not. Either way, as long as you always put your best foot forward and try your hardest, you should be fine.
Lets all be happy that we don’t have exams on semesters. Some schools are on semesters and they take exams only twice, so they have a ton of information to cover. Remembering four and a half months of information is difficult, let alone, our three months amount of information. Their are pros and cons to every situation and in this situation, their tends to be a lot of cons. No one likes exams, but in the end we all have to take them.
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