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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Head 2 Head

Written by: Same Morrison '11
            You have to wonder why all these girls are in such a hurry to get out of high school and go off to college when you get on Facebook and see so many status updates that say “Graduation Countdown: 175 days! I can’t wait until I’m out of this place.” It is startling just how many girls have gone home upset at least once since they have started high school because another girl gave them a dirty look, said something rude under their breath, or started a rumor that has everyone staring as they walk down the hallway. If you are oblivious to that fact, then how many times have you been the one dishing out the “Mean Girl” act?
Guys and girls alike agree with the statement “All girls are too dramatic and start unnecessary drama.” Everyone knows it’s true; girls thrive off of drama, at least a little bit. “GAH!!!! I hate drama!” has come out of every girl’s mouth at one point, yet we still feel the need to start it. The drama may just be giving someone a dirty look as they pass by you on the way to class, or it could be to the other extreme, spreading around a nasty rumor that may ruin some girl’s reputation and send her home crying after school. We’ve all been a part of it. Each and every one of us has allowed a rumor to continue being told. You may not be the creator of the story but did you repeat it to the person standing next to you? Those who keep the rumor chain going are just as bad as the one from whom the rumor originated.
The problem is that many girls think they are the “queen bee” and every other female is below them. Is that true? Is there one girl in our school that is better than us in everything that we do? But there is not one girl who deserves that. Not everyone wants to hear what you think of her outfit, her hair, or her boyfriend. The irony is, we all know this, we all don’t care what the next girl has to say and we know they don’t care what we have to say, yet so many of us run our mouths continuously.
We are supposed to have each others’ backs, but not with knives; stop stabbing other girls in the back unless you are willing to have someone do the same to you. Can’t we all just get along? You don’t have to be best friends with everyone or even acquaintances at that, but we can be civil with each other. There are going to be people who you have to associate with that may get under your skin or you might not like who they are, but you have to be able to put that behind you and act civil. When we start drama we just look immature and that gives other girls just another reason to talk about you. If we all come together and stop gossiping about each other maybe, just maybe, we could make high school more enjoyable for ourselves. With that, Facebook statuses might start saying “Graduation Countdown: 175 days! I’m going to miss this place.”
Many women end up unhappy because they were too worried about pleasing everyone else in their life before themselves. If saying “no” or standing up for what you believe in is being “mean”, then I think all girls should be mean, in order to get what they deserve. So, ask yourself, are you going to be that girl who ends up unhappy? Or that girl who will strive for what you really want out of life?


Written by: Desiree Dunn '11
           Are girls really too nice to each other? Girls are not too mean to each other, in the way that girls need to stand up for what they believe in and take their own stand. And by being mean, is not promoting violence simply meaning if standing up for yourself against the crowd may be seen as “mean”.  
            Too many girls in high school are worried about fitting in with the “in crowd” in order to just be normal. The media has ingrained the perfect female in many young girls’ minds in who they should be. A perfect woman has the ideal job, the wonderful husband, beautiful kids, and a great lifestyle. And how did this perfect woman get all these things? She probably had a horrible internship (like the one in “The Devil Wears Prada”) where she did anything and everything for her less, than worthy boss, and getting burned out, and again, was too nice to say anything because she really wanted the job.
The wonderful husband? She attended her state’s university to get her “MRS. Degree” (as Mrs. Penski calls it) and fell in love with a broke, average college student, and decided to settle down with him because she didn’t want to become an old maid. This woman also had a low self-esteem to believe she deserved better, but never took a stand.
Her kids and lifestyle? That wasn’t always so glamorous either, she had kids, which slowed her career down and didn’t finish college for another five years or so and was broke for that whole time. So, think again, is this the “perfect woman” to you?
            High school is where it all begins for most people, girls want to go to college and get a degree, because they “want it all”. Girls are so willing to do whatever their friends tell them, because they’re afraid of “going against the grain”. “Why don’t you date that guy?” would be what a girl would say to another, even if that girl thinks that guy is ugly and underachieving, she will most likely date him anyways, just because her friend told her too. Or your parents are both lawyers and the pressure to be a lawyer is pretty high, just because they are, would you be too nice to say “I want to be a chef.”

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